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Top 10 Strongest Land Animals - TOP VIP 10



Tigers are not the strongest animal. Elephants and rhinos are, merely because of their shear size. HOWEVER, tigers are, by a long shot, the strongest cat and are known to destroy male lions in 1 aversus 1 fights. Its been proven in almost all 1960 cage fights and in the Colosseum back in Ancient Rome. Russian Brown Bears make up 5 percent of the Siberian tiger�'s diet. Although tigers are not as "strong" as elephants and rhinos, there have been several accounts where tigers have killed elephants and many more where tigers have mauled rhinos to death. There have been no cases of elephants/rhinos killing tigers however. Scientists have also proven that the tiger is the only animal with a roar capable of paralyzing its victims. The tiger is indisputably the emperor of the beastsM+32

Listen ass hole. If you wanna give info make sure at least by one reference its right. because one on one cage fight of lion and tiger has always ended up with tigers fleeing if not death the fact that the mass hair surrounding the lions neck shelters his neck from fatal laceration. Tigers are punchers while the king wrestler by heavy strikes meant to knock down. In a cage battle small punches don't damage a lion while in time tiger gets disappointedM-11

I've just seen a video of different animal fights and their violence is unbelievable. Animals fight for their lives and only then would you see their real power. Tigers are rarely attacked hence you rarely see them fight with all of their strength. When little animals get hurt they become two times faster and more fierce, something you can rarely see in lions and tigers also because of their courage. Same thing applies to other large animals. But, taken all into account, speed, stamina, prowess, ability in general, tiger takes the top. It beat lions almost always and lions beat crocodiles and rhinos... Other comparison is only imaginary because lions do not meet bears and so on.M+18

In most fights the tiger ran away from a lion as tiger was scared.M+2

This is 100% true that tiger are the strongest. I don't exactly know whether they can beat elephants and rhinos. There are some people who are using abusive language and telling that this information is fake and lions can beat tiger please do some research and then open your mouth. Tigers have an upper hand in every physical attributes over lions, tiger have even larger brain size and are smarter than lions. And as far as lions mane is concerned it helps lions but its not that effective against tigers brute strength if you do not believe me Google its or search in YouTube you would find it out yourselfM+7

Tigers I think is the Braves big catMnew

Think, people! Elephants weigh tons and can uproot trees, turn over SUVs, and destroy all other animals on this list! The elephant is also smarter than every other creature here except maybe a gorilla, and even a gorilla could get destroyed by an elephant. Turn over to mythical creatures and you will see that even a phoenix or pegasus would get defeated by a really strong elephant. Unicorns would probably come close. So would serpopards or minotaurs. Many dragons and sea serpents would meet their fates at the hands of an elephant. Ganesha himself received most of his glory from elephants. According to the top rank, a crocodile can almost beat up a great white shark. Well, then, why isn't the great white ahead of it? Elephants could crush almost all living things that ever existed, living, extinct, and mythological. Maybe there will be a creature that is to come that can destroy an elephant. But in all stories ever told, besides holy creatures and beings, humans, elves, properly ...moreM+29

Please. This isn't a contest. People voting based on "who they like better" and without bias or subjectivity. Go on YouTube and watch all the different "animal vs animal" match you can conjure up and find me one where a Lion, Tiger, Bear, Croc, Snake, etc even ATTEMPTS to fight a fully grown bull elephant. The only videos you'll find is the elephant owning anything with the balls to take it on. There are tons of evidence that tigers and lions get owned by rhinos, hippos, and elephants and the best match you'll find is between #2 and #3 which is the rhino and hippo. Those two guys own anything outside of elephants and as I say there is pure objectivity in this statement. Tons of video evidence. The dozen or so videos of either of these guys coming into conflict with the big E though always ends with them getting bruised egos. I have an interest in watching these animals in the wild hunt and fight each other and I have yet to find an instance where anything had the gumption to attack a ...moreM+6

Elephant weighs over 6000kg and can carry more than 9000kg. As for crocodile killing a great white shark that would never happen a crocodile would never meet a great white in the ocean. Please note leopards lions have been observed killing crocodiles. Crocodiles isn't the number one not by along shot.M+16

Elephants are the strongest land animals - MonarchMnew

These creatures are made for battle. They have a brute paw swipe. A simple tiger's paw swipe rips a person's neck off. The lion has a much more powerful swipe so it could do tons more damage. Furthermore, they always take on everything. Tigers prefer not to attack. Lions also, are smarter being more social and have much more muscle. Their mane furthermore, protects, them from any serious bites. Rather, they train to fight. Lions are also, faster and taller. They are also, about the same length as a tiger. If you see more documentaries you can see lions often kill and scare away do nile crocs in the water. Furthermore, lions kill elephants and giraffes. Male lions do 99% of the work on these lethal attacks. The lion truly is the king of the beasts.M+36

Lions can actually kill a tiger if he catches Him off guard or is quite and stealthy enough but either way if a lions ever meets a tiger the tiger will be outnumbered

Tigers may be bigger and heavier than the male lions but when it comes to bravery, the male lion owns them. There are numerous articles and sources on the web that favors tigers over male lions and their basis of such claims are nothing but stories. The Romans thought that, the Mughals thought that etc etc...

In order to get the bottom of the issue, one should refer to the experts in the field like Clyde Beatty, Kailash Sankhala.

There is only one video on the web of the actual duel between the tiger and the male lion that occur naturally and that's the GIR forest video in which the lion kills the tiger.

Rest of the videos are of are of captive animals that cannot do justice to the debate.

The animal planet channel once made a series called animal face-off in which they debated the issue and made their decision.M+2

Lion is the most strongest but tiger is most liked, that is why its on top of this list. All the trainers and experts of big cats agrees that lions owns tigers in most of the battle.Mnew

Definitely a serious contender for the #1 spot. Brilliant, strategic, and absurdly powerful animals who can win nearly any fight because they have enormous pain tolerance ceilings, which allows them to endure what most other animals cannot. Speed is their weakness though. However, their keen senses and terrifying displays of territorial dominance frighten away all who even consider approaching their territory. It's hard to bet against an animal with the ability to forge crude weapons and wield them mercilessly.M+2

Gorilla can lift up 30 humans without any problem, the ratio by the way his size and his strenght is one of the best or the best, and Gorilla have the strongest arms.M+9

Gorillas are about 10x stronger than usM+12

It is too smart for the rest!Mnew

The saltwater crocodile has the world's most powerful bite force. A saltwater crocodile over 4.5 metres (15 ft) in length can exert over 2.2 tonnes (5, 000 lb) of pressure per square inch (PSI). Males of even larger sizes can exert around 3 tonnes (6, 600 lb) of pressure per square inch. They can smash through bone like you would eat toast. A 5 metre (16 ft) saltwater crocodile can kill an adult human with a single bite.M+6

A crocodile can kill a great white shark by the way and nothing can prey on it only little crocodiles are preyed on. They have been around for millions of years. There is a chance a crocodile can kill an elephant because it is worlds greatest stealth hunter. I've seen a video when a crocodile killed a bull elephantM+6

Strongest bite in the world. Even though sluggish by nature it is very fast. They can grow very big. Up to 1 ton. It is the only animal that can prey on lions.68 teeth in its mouth to crush boneM+7

The crocodiles can kill an elephant! It has no predators and the other animals can become the prey! Think.Mnew

Rhino are the strongest land animal because their but power and there leg strength they will buck a gorilla and cary it a mile.M+9

Black Rhino was very important because they show a great source of income from ecotourism. There were only 5,000 left in whole world. We need to stop the people from their greedy thoughts, that is one of the way to protect the rhino and other species that is living in the wild.M+1

The black rhino is now extinct thanks to humans. They should not be killed for their horns. Respect them!M+7

Rhino's are pretty strong.Mnew7

Hippos take on crocs they should be between 1-3M+3

A hippo could bite a crocodile in halfM+3

Hippos have strong as teeth that can bite a crocodile straight in halfM 

I vote for hippos.Mnew
8VoteEKodiak Bear

A kodiak bear could crush a bowling ball with a bite. Decapitate a moose with swipe. It should be #1. Bears often kill tigers is Russia where the 2 coexist. Tigers only kill hibernating bears and subadults. A kodiak bear can easily kill a elephant as tigers and lions have done so. It is also, smarter than all but the elephant in this list. They have sacrificed agility for brute strength. They also, have speed though. They run as fast as any tiger or cat. They have blunt, but longer claws. Same eyesight, as cats but better smell than dogs. They are the ultimate land predator.M+9

Hippos kill the most out of any one of these animals they kill more humans then any other animal and if they get you in the water your screwed. Read a book GeniusM 

Exactly! Bears are known to kill tigers and animals more than twice its size. Maybe I am just the only one that sees that the bear is the king of the beastsM 

Look like Grizzly.Mnew
9VoteERhinoceros Beetle

If you consider the ratio of it's body weight to the amount of weight it can lift, it is by far the strongest animal in the world. Can an elephant lift 8 million pounds? Don't think so.M+2

The rhinoceros beetle is the strongest because it could lift 100 of its friends imagine doing that.M+1

It is a scientific fact that the proportional strength of the rhinoceros beetle is stronger than any other.M 

The rhinoceros beetle can carry 100 of its friends IMAGINE doing that so it's the strongest animal in the worldMnew
10VoteEPolar Bear

Polar bears live in the article polar bears are very good huntersM+4

Polar bears are the toughest animas to roam the earth surviving temperatures below -40 degrees celcius they have can kill any arctic animal from 2 ton walruses with killer tusks that can kill a killer whale to 5lb birds known as jab jabs that have scared of wolves even cubs of only 2months old can fend for themselves but stay with the parents until 1 year polar bears are my vote 1 for toughest land animalsM+2

If you think about it no other animal on earth can lift as much weight all th way off the ground like a human can no other animal can deadlift or squatM 

Polar bears could eat a tiger for breakfast

Top 10 Strongest Land Animals


Tigers are not the strongest animal. Elephants and rhinos are, merely because of their shear size. HOWEVER, tigers are, by a long shot, the strongest cat and are known to destroy male lions in 1 aversus 1 fights. Its been proven in almost all 1960 cage fights and in the Colosseum back in Ancient Rome. Russian Brown Bears make up 5 percent of the Siberian tiger�'s diet. Although tigers are not as "strong" as elephants and rhinos, there have been several accounts where tigers have killed elephants and many more where tigers have mauled rhinos to death. There have been no cases of elephants/rhinos killing tigers however. Scientists have also proven that the tiger is the only animal with a roar capable of paralyzing its victims. The tiger is indisputably the emperor of the beastsM+32

Listen ass hole. If you wanna give info make sure at least by one reference its right. because one on one cage fight of lion and tiger has always ended up with tigers fleeing if not death the fact that the mass hair surrounding the lions neck shelters his neck from fatal laceration. Tigers are punchers while the king wrestler by heavy strikes meant to knock down. In a cage battle small punches don't damage a lion while in time tiger gets disappointedM-11

I've just seen a video of different animal fights and their violence is unbelievable. Animals fight for their lives and only then would you see their real power. Tigers are rarely attacked hence you rarely see them fight with all of their strength. When little animals get hurt they become two times faster and more fierce, something you can rarely see in lions and tigers also because of their courage. Same thing applies to other large animals. But, taken all into account, speed, stamina, prowess, ability in general, tiger takes the top. It beat lions almost always and lions beat crocodiles and rhinos... Other comparison is only imaginary because lions do not meet bears and so on.M+18

In most fights the tiger ran away from a lion as tiger was scared.M+2

This is 100% true that tiger are the strongest. I don't exactly know whether they can beat elephants and rhinos. There are some people who are using abusive language and telling that this information is fake and lions can beat tiger please do some research and then open your mouth. Tigers have an upper hand in every physical attributes over lions, tiger have even larger brain size and are smarter than lions. And as far as lions mane is concerned it helps lions but its not that effective against tigers brute strength if you do not believe me Google its or search in YouTube you would find it out yourselfM+7

Tigers I think is the Braves big catMnew

Think, people! Elephants weigh tons and can uproot trees, turn over SUVs, and destroy all other animals on this list! The elephant is also smarter than every other creature here except maybe a gorilla, and even a gorilla could get destroyed by an elephant. Turn over to mythical creatures and you will see that even a phoenix or pegasus would get defeated by a really strong elephant. Unicorns would probably come close. So would serpopards or minotaurs. Many dragons and sea serpents would meet their fates at the hands of an elephant. Ganesha himself received most of his glory from elephants. According to the top rank, a crocodile can almost beat up a great white shark. Well, then, why isn't the great white ahead of it? Elephants could crush almost all living things that ever existed, living, extinct, and mythological. Maybe there will be a creature that is to come that can destroy an elephant. But in all stories ever told, besides holy creatures and beings, humans, elves, properly ...moreM+29

Please. This isn't a contest. People voting based on "who they like better" and without bias or subjectivity. Go on YouTube and watch all the different "animal vs animal" match you can conjure up and find me one where a Lion, Tiger, Bear, Croc, Snake, etc even ATTEMPTS to fight a fully grown bull elephant. The only videos you'll find is the elephant owning anything with the balls to take it on. There are tons of evidence that tigers and lions get owned by rhinos, hippos, and elephants and the best match you'll find is between #2 and #3 which is the rhino and hippo. Those two guys own anything outside of elephants and as I say there is pure objectivity in this statement. Tons of video evidence. The dozen or so videos of either of these guys coming into conflict with the big E though always ends with them getting bruised egos. I have an interest in watching these animals in the wild hunt and fight each other and I have yet to find an instance where anything had the gumption to attack a ...moreM+6

Elephant weighs over 6000kg and can carry more than 9000kg. As for crocodile killing a great white shark that would never happen a crocodile would never meet a great white in the ocean. Please note leopards lions have been observed killing crocodiles. Crocodiles isn't the number one not by along shot.M+16

Elephants are the strongest land animals - MonarchMnew

These creatures are made for battle. They have a brute paw swipe. A simple tiger's paw swipe rips a person's neck off. The lion has a much more powerful swipe so it could do tons more damage. Furthermore, they always take on everything. Tigers prefer not to attack. Lions also, are smarter being more social and have much more muscle. Their mane furthermore, protects, them from any serious bites. Rather, they train to fight. Lions are also, faster and taller. They are also, about the same length as a tiger. If you see more documentaries you can see lions often kill and scare away do nile crocs in the water. Furthermore, lions kill elephants and giraffes. Male lions do 99% of the work on these lethal attacks. The lion truly is the king of the beasts.M+36

Lions can actually kill a tiger if he catches Him off guard or is quite and stealthy enough but either way if a lions ever meets a tiger the tiger will be outnumbered

Tigers may be bigger and heavier than the male lions but when it comes to bravery, the male lion owns them. There are numerous articles and sources on the web that favors tigers over male lions and their basis of such claims are nothing but stories. The Romans thought that, the Mughals thought that etc etc...

In order to get the bottom of the issue, one should refer to the experts in the field like Clyde Beatty, Kailash Sankhala.

There is only one video on the web of the actual duel between the tiger and the male lion that occur naturally and that's the GIR forest video in which the lion kills the tiger.

Rest of the videos are of are of captive animals that cannot do justice to the debate.

The animal planet channel once made a series called animal face-off in which they debated the issue and made their decision.M+2

Lion is the most strongest but tiger is most liked, that is why its on top of this list. All the trainers and experts of big cats agrees that lions owns tigers in most of the battle.Mnew

Definitely a serious contender for the #1 spot. Brilliant, strategic, and absurdly powerful animals who can win nearly any fight because they have enormous pain tolerance ceilings, which allows them to endure what most other animals cannot. Speed is their weakness though. However, their keen senses and terrifying displays of territorial dominance frighten away all who even consider approaching their territory. It's hard to bet against an animal with the ability to forge crude weapons and wield them mercilessly.M+2

Gorilla can lift up 30 humans without any problem, the ratio by the way his size and his strenght is one of the best or the best, and Gorilla have the strongest arms.M+9

Gorillas are about 10x stronger than usM+12

It is too smart for the rest!Mnew

The saltwater crocodile has the world's most powerful bite force. A saltwater crocodile over 4.5 metres (15 ft) in length can exert over 2.2 tonnes (5, 000 lb) of pressure per square inch (PSI). Males of even larger sizes can exert around 3 tonnes (6, 600 lb) of pressure per square inch. They can smash through bone like you would eat toast. A 5 metre (16 ft) saltwater crocodile can kill an adult human with a single bite.M+6

A crocodile can kill a great white shark by the way and nothing can prey on it only little crocodiles are preyed on. They have been around for millions of years. There is a chance a crocodile can kill an elephant because it is worlds greatest stealth hunter. I've seen a video when a crocodile killed a bull elephantM+6

Strongest bite in the world. Even though sluggish by nature it is very fast. They can grow very big. Up to 1 ton. It is the only animal that can prey on lions.68 teeth in its mouth to crush boneM+7

The crocodiles can kill an elephant! It has no predators and the other animals can become the prey! Think.Mnew

Rhino are the strongest land animal because their but power and there leg strength they will buck a gorilla and cary it a mile.M+9

Black Rhino was very important because they show a great source of income from ecotourism. There were only 5,000 left in whole world. We need to stop the people from their greedy thoughts, that is one of the way to protect the rhino and other species that is living in the wild.M+1

The black rhino is now extinct thanks to humans. They should not be killed for their horns. Respect them!M+7

Rhino's are pretty strong.Mnew7

Hippos take on crocs they should be between 1-3M+3

A hippo could bite a crocodile in halfM+3

Hippos have strong as teeth that can bite a crocodile straight in halfM 

I vote for hippos.Mnew
8VoteEKodiak Bear

A kodiak bear could crush a bowling ball with a bite. Decapitate a moose with swipe. It should be #1. Bears often kill tigers is Russia where the 2 coexist. Tigers only kill hibernating bears and subadults. A kodiak bear can easily kill a elephant as tigers and lions have done so. It is also, smarter than all but the elephant in this list. They have sacrificed agility for brute strength. They also, have speed though. They run as fast as any tiger or cat. They have blunt, but longer claws. Same eyesight, as cats but better smell than dogs. They are the ultimate land predator.M+9

Hippos kill the most out of any one of these animals they kill more humans then any other animal and if they get you in the water your screwed. Read a book GeniusM 

Exactly! Bears are known to kill tigers and animals more than twice its size. Maybe I am just the only one that sees that the bear is the king of the beastsM 

Look like Grizzly.Mnew
9VoteERhinoceros Beetle

If you consider the ratio of it's body weight to the amount of weight it can lift, it is by far the strongest animal in the world. Can an elephant lift 8 million pounds? Don't think so.M+2

The rhinoceros beetle is the strongest because it could lift 100 of its friends imagine doing that.M+1

It is a scientific fact that the proportional strength of the rhinoceros beetle is stronger than any other.M 

The rhinoceros beetle can carry 100 of its friends IMAGINE doing that so it's the strongest animal in the worldMnew
10VoteEPolar Bear

Polar bears live in the article polar bears are very good huntersM+4

Polar bears are the toughest animas to roam the earth surviving temperatures below -40 degrees celcius they have can kill any arctic animal from 2 ton walruses with killer tusks that can kill a killer whale to 5lb birds known as jab jabs that have scared of wolves even cubs of only 2months old can fend for themselves but stay with the parents until 1 year polar bears are my vote 1 for toughest land animalsM+2

If you think about it no other animal on earth can lift as much weight all th way off the ground like a human can no other animal can deadlift or squatM 

Polar bears could eat a tiger for breakfast

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